Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Bell Work

Bell Work is class work that students are doing when the bell rings. It is always the first task the students do. Many teachers use Bell Work to keep students busy and occupied when they first come into the classroom. It can also be used when students have finished their regular work a little early. It will help these students not to rush through their work when they have a challenging activity.

Rules of Bell Work:

• Keep Bell Work simple.

• Make sure it serves a purpose in getting the day's instruction started. Use it as a warm-up activity.

• You should not have to write more than a simple instruction on the board to have the students get busy.

• Bell Work is done every day. When you describe Bell Work to your students on the first day of class, instruct them never to ask you whether there is Bell Work today. There is Bell Work every day.

• Bell Work will always be posted in the same place in the classroom.

What To Do For Bell Work:

• Review previously learned material. (Use questions, worksheets, quizzes, puzzles, etc.)

• Review today’s Gospel Reading (Use questions, worksheets, quizzes, puzzles, etc. You can get ideas from FREE Children's Worship Bulletins and/or Mass Worksheets

Journal Writing

Mass Journals

• Silent reading.

• Word games or mind benders.

• Give them a situation and ask them “What would Jesus do?”

• Have a passage reference that relates to today’s lesson on the board. Students must summarize the passage in their own words.

• Have the students write the connection between the First Reading and the Gospel Reading from today’s Mass.

• Have the students do Spelling and Vocabulary Worksheets for review or to help the students with new spelling and vocabulary words from today's lesson. Bell Work Activities

*Early in the year, your students may not be able to read, but you can point them to an activity as they enter the classroom.

• Activity Tubs: Have tubs of any kind of material for them to sort. Let each student decide if they are sorting by color, by shape, etc. They can work as individuals or in groups.

• Coloring Tubs: Coloring sheets or students can “Draw a picture of _______” (make it specific).

• Activity areas: Most Pre K and Kindergarten teachers have activity areas such as a block areas, fine motor, book, etc. or a play kitchen that you already use for activities, letting the children chose the area they want to explore. Use these same areas and activities for Bell Work.

• Handwriting Sheets/Copy Work: Have the students do manuscript handwriting sheets pertaining to today’s lesson or review previously learned material. Here is a list of Bible Alphabet Handwriting Sheets you can print out for FREE for your classroom or home. To learn various prayers, liturgical objects used in Mass, and other church activities, having the students write it down is a good way for them to remember. Here are a few of my favorite Handwriting/Copy Work Worksheet Makers that are FREE so you can make personalized handwriting worksheets for your students.

What kind of Bell Work do you do in your classroom?

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